Employers must provide paid time off for employees to get vaccinated
Employees are now eligible for paid time off from work to receive their COVID-19 vaccination. Many employers are already doing this to encourage their workforce to be fully vaccinated. New Zealanders should consider getting vaccinated as soon as possible.
Employees will be entitled to reasonable paid time away from work to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. In agreeing what time off is reasonable, employers and employees should consider matters such as the location of the nearest vaccination centre, the availability of appointment times, transport options, travel time, and the 15 minute monitoring time after the vaccination.
If there are any other practical barriers to accessing vaccination employers should help address these. Some employees may have individual health concerns or other reasons for needing support.
Unite against COVID-19 has posters, videos and flyers employers can share with their employees.
For more information, see the following link: https://www.employment.govt.nz/leave-and-holidays/other-types-of-leave/coronavirus-workplace/covid-19-vaccination-and-employment/#scrollto-employers-must-provide-paid-time-off-for-employees-to-get-vaccinated
Penny Varley
Payroll Administrator