Note from NZPPA: We have been asked to send this out. Fair pay agreements will impact payroll so you do need to keep this on your payroll radar. As more information is known we will keep you updated.
As you may be aware, the Government introduced the Fair Pay Agreements Bill into Parliament earlier this year. The proposed Fair Pay Agreements system would bring together employers and unions within an industry or occupation to bargain for minimum terms and conditions for all employees in that industry or occupation.
The Education and Workforce Select Committee has reported back to Parliament on 5 October 2022. The Bill is expected to progress through the remaining stages in October and November, and the Fair Pay Agreement legislation is expected to come into effect by end of 2022.
Relevant information has been updated on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website, including an overview of the proposed FPA system: Fair Pay Agreements | Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (mbie.govt.nz).
The Employment New Zealand website, newsletter, and social media channels are also helpful for keeping track of updates on Fair Pay Agreements and other employment-related topics:
Employment New Zealand website
Employment New Zealand newsletter (subscription link)
Employment New Zealand Facebook and LinkedIn
We would appreciate if you could share this within your organisation and relevant networks.
In the meantime, if you have any related questions, please email fairpayagreements@mbie.govt.nz.
Penny Varley
Payroll Administrator